I invented the solution to plastic coffee pods.


Hello, my name is Yianni. After feeling slightly disappointed every time I used a plastic coffee pod, I invented my own that solved all my problems & improved my single-serve coffee experience👇🥹 (first presentable 3D printed prototype)

I then discovered thousands more people wanted it too.. I was overwhelmed after over 3,400 people pre-ordered my invention in just 30 days. Turns out it was an overdue solution to plastic coffee pods. One that with proper resources, has the potential to become THE new standard in single-serve coffee.

This did not come easy at all

As a first time inventor, product developer, and startup founder, I had no idea really what I was doing at first. I've learned so much along the way, which I'm now grateful I put myself though. Ideas, practices, & actions that I wish I knew earlier, but had to experience to truly learn.

I want to share those hard earned learnings with you in a relatable & real way, so you can learn from my mistakes and do what I did in five years in two years :)

My hope is to have a positive impact on the world through my work.

I am currently focused on bringing this new innovation to the single-serve coffee space that has the potential to replace millions & eventually billions plastic coffee pods. I am going to share everything that has happened and everything that will be happening during this exciting journey ahead in this newsletter/blog as well throughout all our social media if you prefer video over writing. 


Welcome - have you ever had an idea for a new product?

If you ever had an idea for a new product or service, or you're just curious what the process to bring your idea to the world looks like, I can tell you exactly what that looked like for me as a first time product developer. Welcome to our new blog series, where I’ll be taking you on the journey of how a simple idea turned into an innovative product that may serve for the solution to plastic coffee pod waste & document the process of getting this innovative solution to the world.

The Spark of an Idea

The story begins in late 2019, I was 25 years old. Like many coffee drinkers, I was frustrated with the environmental impact, taste, & price of single-use coffee pods. Yes, they are convenient, but at the cost of being expensive, wasteful, & not the best-tasting coffee. I also started to notice how popular these pods were becoming. After some quick research I discovered over 40% of US households own a single-serve pod brewer which leads to over 1 BILLION plastic coffee pods being used and wasted each MONTH. I conducted hundreds of interviews asking current pod users what they like and dislike about their experience and I discovered there was so much room for improvement. No one absolutely loved the entire experience, they just loved the convenience these pods offer. 

Existing Alternative

The only alternative I could find were little reusable plastic pods with a built-in filter that needed to be cleaned after each brew. I bought some and after using them for a few weeks, I didn't really like them. I quickly realized how much better of a solution could be developed. I was shocked that this was the only current alternative to plastic coffee pods. No wonder 15B+ are still being used each year.

From Idea to Innovation

I thought to myself: “Why isn’t there a small device that sits next to a user’s existing brewer and makes pods for them?” This was the spark of my idea. I would create the world’s first ever “Pod-Maker”. A small device that sits next to a user’s existing brewer and turns fresh coffee (whole or ground) into pods on demand. The problem is I had no idea how to actually do this, and a big question I still needed to answer was: What will our pods look like?


World’s First Bottomless Ring Coffee Pod

I remember it like yesterday, I was at a cafe with my wife (then girlfriend) and we were brainstorming how would we actually make this work. We knew we wanted a “Pod-Maker” device, but what would our pods look like? We knew they needed to be convenient to use, truly eco-friendly, and make a good cup of coffee. The part I didn't like about the existing reusable pods were the closed basket bottom that needed to be cleaned after each brew. I was also grossed out by this reusable filter becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and mold..

And then it hit me, that famous “aha moment” inventors and founders talk about. I said, "why don’t we make a reusable bottomless ring that holds a paper filter and ground coffee in place to make a pod? We sketched it up right then and there. It felt right & I soon discovered there was nothing like that out there.

Getting a Patent

When you invent something that is truly unique, it's a good idea to find out if you can get a patent on it. This was a long and complex process that required meticulous attention to detail and significant capital. The good news is you can start off by filing a “provisional patent” for less than $100 and have protection over your idea. I will discuss in detail in a future post on exactly how I was granted a utility patent on my invention & how you can too.

Launching the Kickstarter Campaign

With this idea in mind and provisional patent filed, I embarked on a mission to actually create a this thing. Once I had a 3D-printed prototype, we decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign to gauge interest and secure some funding. The campaign lasted 30 days and about half way in it looked like we wren’t gong to hit our goal of raising about $100k. I made a key decision about halfway into the campaign with about 12 days left that completely changed the trajectory of our success. The response was overwhelming. By the end, we received roughly 3,800 pre-orders and raised $213k, which was incredibly exciting but also presented a new challenge: figuring out how to mass-produce thousands of units with very limited resources.


From Prototype to Mass Production

This is where the real journey began & was by far the hardest part. Turning a 3D-printed prototype into a mass-produced product was an extremely difficult, expensive, and time-consuming process. Over the next three years, we faced numerous obstacles and setbacks. Developing a functional product that met our high standards of functionality, sustainability, and convenience required endless rounds of testing, material sourcing, and refining the design. To be honest, I was never 100% sure it could even be done. 

At this point I knew I had to bring on a skilled engineer (who I made my co-founder) who can help us properly manufacture this product. We did just that and after about 2 years of hard work, we finally had a finished product that worked as it should. In order to get this manufactured product we also needed to develop our manufacturing line, create all new custom tooling, and  have the capability to produce thousands of units per week. Accomplishing all this was a significant milestone and a testament to our team's dedication and perseverance.


Fulfilling Pre-Orders

With a finished product in hand and the capability to produce it at scale, we were able to start fulfilling pre-orders. In Q1-Q2 of 2024, our first roughly 1,000 units were shipped out to pre-order customers. We've received mostly positive feedback on our product and how it works. Through the feedback of our users, we've also identified some ways to improve our product and user experience. We just completed another 5,000 unit build which will fulfill the rest of pre-orders. 

The Road Ahead

We are now entering the most exciting phase of our journey, getting our innovation to the world in a BIG WAY. In order to do this we need resources and are willing partner with the right company that has the resources to bring our product to the world at scale. Our goal is to get this sustainable single-serve pod in as many hands as possible to make a substantial positive impact on the world. To solve the plastic coffee pod problem once and for all.

Join Us on This Journey

This series will delve into all the details of our journey, from the initial idea to the challenges we faced, the mistakes we made, and the triumphs we celebrated. I hope to inspire and inform others who may have their own innovative ideas and are looking to make a difference. Stay tuned for more stories, insights, and updates as we continue this path to disrupt the coffee industry!

If you’ve read up to this point, thank you for taking the time. I’m genuinely excited to share this journey with you :)

-Yianni | co-founder & inventor of savepod

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